HOT Feed







HYGAIN® MICRBARLEY® Premium quality, all natural, micronized barley that requires no soaking or cracking with the goodness sealed in.

MICRBARLEY® flakes are readily digestible with improved feed efficiency and reduced risk of colic and acidosis.


DE MJ/kg


Crude Protein


Crude Fat


Crude Fibre


Micronized Barley

Nutrition Analysis
Crude Protein
Crude Fat
Max Crude Fibre
Feeding Rates

1kg of whole or steamed flaked barley can be replaced with approximately 750grams of HYGAIN® MICRBARLEY®. HYGAIN® MICRBARLEY® should be fed with roughage and can be mixed with other grains to meet nutrient requirements.

Feeding amount may be influenced by age, breed, desired body condition, exercise intensity, gestation and lactation status, pasture/hay quality and availability and climate. Care should be taken to match feed intake to dietary requirements. Reduce grain intake on rest days, if horses gain weight and / or training regime is interrupted.

Micronized for Digestion
Micronized for Digestion
Micronized for improved digestion
Highly Palatable
Highly Palatable
Perfect for the fussy eaters.



1kg of whole or steamed flaked barley can be replaced with approximately 750grams of HYGAIN MICRBARLEY. HYGAIN MICRBARLEY should be fed with roughage and can be mixed with other grains to meet nutrient requirements.

Feeding amount may be influenced by age, breed, desired body condition, exercise intensity, gestation and lactation status, pasture/hay quality and availability and climate. Care should be taken to match feed intake to dietary requirements. Reduce grain intake on rest days, if horses gain weight and / or training regime is interrupted.

  1. Introduce HYGAIN MICRBARLEY to your horse’s diet gradually over a 7-14 day period.
  2. Feed by weight and not by volume.
  3. Feed a minimum of 1.5% of your horse’s body weight daily as roughage.
  4. Horses have a small stomach, so feed little and often.
  5. Ensure horses have access to clean water.
  6. For dietary recommendations and nutritional solutions contact HYGAIN.

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